Sunday, April 21, 2013

Thing #18 - Social Networking

I have been on Facebook since 2007.  My settings are private, so not everyone can see my personal information.  I also have to give permission for tagging of pictures and posts of me.  I do not 'friend' people I work with, nor would I ever 'friend' my students.  I don't even 'friend' classmates here at APSU unless we've become actual friends and get together outside of school.  I am only friends with people I actually know in 'real life' and do not accept friend requests from friends of friends.

However, I would consider creating a new Facebook page for my class and invite students to comment and post about school.  I would have very strict rules about my page and there would be absolutely no cyberbullying or rude comments.  Of course, most districts have Facebook blocked on their system, so it's not something we could use during school hours...and if some students don't have computers or internet access at home, or their parents refuse to allow them to have a Facebook account, it's useless because they will be left out.

I am not a fan of Twitter.  Been there, done that, don't like it, nor do I see educational value in it.

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