Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thing #11 - using RSS

The three sites were all pretty easy to navigate; my least favorite was Topix - I didn't find their search engine (Blekko) very impressive and didn't find anything interesting to me.  Google was definitely easiest, and I'm sure some of that comes from using Google frequently over the last several years.  Technorati has some cool features, but not much under the search "education"...when I searched for "teaching" I found some good sites that I added to my RSS feed:

On the Google blog search, I found the following:

A technology blog by Jennie Magiera, a digital learning coordinator for a group of 25 public schools in Chicago.  Her site is easy to navigate and it has useful and appropriate links to other education websites:

A lot of the special education blogs I found were people sharing stories, I guess in some way to blow off steam.  Nothing inappropriate really, just talking about the difficulties of special ed, some of the behaviors of students and what NCLB means for sped.

Here is an example of a blog I probably would NOT follow... I can't find a name or any other qualifications for this teacher... and it's more of just stories of things that happen day to day.

This special education law blog seems to have some useful information, although it is geared towards parents, it may be a good thing for teachers to be aware of:

Most of the sites I came across did not have the RSS feed symbol (or one did, but when I clicked on the symbol, it wouldn't connect); they did have a share button for Google +, but I did not utilize it.  I was able to add two blogs to my feed.

I liked how Technorati had different categories for blogs; that makes it easy to focus in on your subject of interest.  I didn't really find anything unusual or confusing; except maybe the Topix website; that just seemed like another Yahoo or something similar.

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